Everyone Closes Their Eyes For Prayer, That’s When Camera Captures Baby’s Every Move

Before the family digs into their dinner, everyone decides that they’re going to say a special prayer. The toddler sits, as everyone stands around the table, joining hands. All we get to see is the little boy and his hilarious reactions that are coming up.

Mom and dad hold the child’s hands, each on either side, and mom begins the prayer thanking God for the food they’re about to have and asking for a blessed year ahead. It’s a beautiful prayer, said in full seriousness. But as the prayer is being said, you can’t help but laugh at the little boy.


His facial expressions change every couple of seconds, and he goes from wiggling his tongue to being fully concentrated and trying to understand exactly what mom is saying. He squints his eyes, and focuses on something far off, as he (probably) attempts at making sense of what’s going on around him. We bet that the wiggling of the tongue came at the sight of all the delicious food he sees on the table!


The prayer ends as everyone comes together and says, “Amen.” And this also includes the baby! They ask him if he’s going to say it too, and he shyly says, “Amen.” Everyone bursts into applause and thus the Christmas dinner begins, on a cheerful note!


It’s a notable moment in the child’s life, as well as for the family. When children are growing up, everything new that they learn is a milestone. So, when parents are joyous and celebrating their baby’s first step, his/her first word, or even their first day of potty-training, it’s something that goes down in the books.

So, when this little boy grows up, I’m almost sure that his family will show him this precious moment as a moment of pride and joy!


Click on the link below and watch the boy’s funny reaction throughout the prayer.

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