Sleeping Baby Has The Best Reaction When Dad Tells Him He Loves Him

There is nothing sweeter than the bond between a parent and a child. There is a deep love and connection that a parent feels the first time they hold their child that is just indescribable.


This sweet baby feels so safe and secure in his father’s love that he is aware of it even when he is sleeping! His dad lays down next to him while the baby is taking a nap and whispers quietly, “I love you.”


The tiny baby’s reaction is just priceless – your heart will melt! Click below to see it for yourself:

Even though he is sleeping – and even though he may be too young to actually understand what the words mean – it is clear the baby at least understands the meaning behind his dad’s words of love.

We just love seeing this sweet bond between a father and his child. We know this pair will have a special relationship going forward and this little boy will never have to question his father’s love for him.

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